Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Weigh In - First one of 2009

My official weigh in for this week is: DOWN 8/10ths of a pound. Minus 0.8 That puts my weight today at 210.8.

I was down to 209.0 on Monday, but I'm OK with 210.8. Wednesday is typically my heaviest day of the week for some reason. Also, I noticed way back near the beginning of this 'trek to fit' that typically I will go down over a pound in a day then bouce back up most of that pound, then begin to lose a little every day until I am back to that low weight. This process usually takes 4 days or so.

I was very excited to see 209 on my scale! I've never seen a 0 in the middle before!!!! I can't wait to get there again.....should be in a few days, at most. For that matter, I've never seen 210 before!

I'm only about 11 pounds from seeing a change in the FIRST number!!!!

Look out, ONEDERLAND, here I come!!!

I have not forgotten that I promised some goals and plans......I'm still thinking and formulating what will be challenging, yet realistic. I want to push myself but I don't want to become discouraged because I cannot meet my goals.

For this week, however, these are my plans:

1. Drink 8 cups water EVERY DAY
2. Take my vitamins EVERY DAY
3. Walk on my treadmil a minimum of 30 minutes 6 out of 7 days
4. Do not sit at my computer or my desk for more than 30 minute intervals
5. eat ALL my exchanges each day, making sure to weigh and measure everything
6. No unplanned nibbles
7. Spend 2 afternoons helping my daughter (she has 2 big events this weekend)
8. Help out my daughter in law at least one afternoon
9. Finish the reorganization and de cluttering of my office/art room and my kitchen
10. Formulate my plans for increasing my health and fitness over the next year

I will try to remember to come back to this list next Wednesday and let you know how I did.

Ta-Ta.......I'll be back soon!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!


Natalia said...

Onederland is so exciting. I'm going to be there Christmas day this year! :)

Brightcetera said...

I'm excited for you being so near to Onederland!

~TMcGee~ said...

Oh my goodness! I am giddy with excitement for you (you'd think it was me that stepped on the scale and got that number! LOL). Karyn, I'm so proud of you and I love your list, I might steal some of it.

Donna B said...

Congrats on the loss. It is a great feeling to get close to onederland and even greater getting under 199#'s Keep up the good work!

bbubblyb said...

I'm so excited for you Karyn, onederland is just around the corner. Way to go on all you've accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on seeing that big 0 in the middle of your number, and on being on the breathtaking cusp of the amazing one hundreds.

It should feel great, so enjoy it and let it motivate for further success. Awesome list of goals btw, and thanks for the support. Here's to a great week for us both!

Dale said...

WOW - congrats on your progress - I'm a long long way from the 1der zone but I am inspired by your success!

Skye-Lynn said...

Ooooohhhh, I am so excited for you! You are so close and I'm sure you'll be there in no time! Just save a place for me! It may take me a little while, but I'm coming! lol

Learning to be Less said...

This is great! Keep up the awesome work and you will see that number in no time. The biggest loser has nothing on you!

MeltingLisa said...

Ooooooo race you!!!

You know what is weird for me, I was raised on kilograms so pounds doesn't really mean much to me (I convert it for the sake of blogging)- getting to 99kgs is a big one for me ... oops getting off track .. when I immigrated to Canada my first weight loss attempt was though Jenny Craig, when I started I was about 210 pounds (I put on more after I quit smoking .. oops digressing again ...)

At JC they weighed me in pounds, and about the 3rd week I got to 199, the lady who weighed me was jumping up and down and I just looked at her like she was mad!

Now 6 years on I GET IT! Totally I will be jumping around more than she did for me that day!

SeaShore said...

It's so exciting to see a new 'decade' appear on the scale, and a new 'century' is even more so!

arlene said...

Yay Karyn!!!!! Good for you girl. I know how hard you're worked and I'm thrilled at how you're changing your health for the better. Congratulations my friend!

Hollie said...

Congrats! And thanks for your comment on my blog about weighing daily. I think I need that daily accountability right now.

new*me said...

great goals! I am so looking forward to onederland too! It's gonna be great

Anonymous said...

I am proud of you. It is going to feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good when you first see that 1 in front of your weight. Then you can say, "That is the last time for the rest of my life that I will see a 2 in front". Great job and keep it up.

kathryn Muyaba said...

hey mom us only 23 punds heavier ten me now! Great job!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to have a 0 in the middle! Good for you!