My Great Aunt's daughters arranged a party for her 80th birthday, to be celebrated today. I knew that a good number of my extended family would be there - people I seldom see anymore except at funerals, so I made the effort to be there for an hour before going to my son's home to celebrate his 27th birthday. (Which was actually yesterday)
The food at Auntie's party was beautiful! A fruit boquet too pretty to eat dominated the food table. Trays of finger sandwiches, cheeses, fruit pieces, and vegetable pieces led to two huge cakes - one Black Forest and one Carrot. The Black Forest was kind of calling to me, but I kept myself busy talking to various rellies so that I could not hear it. I also poured myself a glass of water so my hands were full. After the first couple times of ignoring the cake calls, I didn't even think of it again! Yay!
Next stop, my son and daughter-in-law's home. My second son turned 27 yesterday so the family gathered today to celebrate. All my kids were there as well as my Sister-in-law and her husband, my nephews, and my niece. My DIL served spaghetti and meat sauce and had everyone else bring a salad of some sort. I brought fresh veggies and low cal dressing as dip. By the time supper was served, I was very hungry since I hadn't eaten since breakfast.
I filled my plate with veggies, fresh spinach with DIL's homemade dressing, and a spoon of coleslaw. Then I did it again (minus the coleslaw this time) so that I wasn't feeling exceptionally hungry by the time I got to the spaghetti. I did not measure, but I took what I figured was pretty close to 1 cup of pasta and added one scoop of the meat sauce. I was completely satisfied and felt good about what I ate.

It was fun to watch the two babies learning to play together....I took a couple photos of them but they didn't work out very well. Here is a photo of the second half of the "twin cousins". If you start singing "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands" He starts to laugh and clap. That is what he is doing here.

This is my crazy middle child, being silly and somehow getting his nephew to make the same face at the same time.....

My 7 year old granddaughter is so proud of finally losing her tooth. It has been wiggly forever - she would not pull it or let anyone else pull it, she just waited until it was so loose it literally fell out. LOL. She's hoping the other one falls out before Christmas.

And of course, we need a photo of the birthday second artist....father of my hand-clapping grandson.

So, now that you've seen some of my family, back to the main challenge of birthday parties.....the cake.