Well, I am about 2 weeks away from my one year anniversary on this journey to success.
This will be the first of a few posts I have planned to mark the auspicious occasion.
NEVER in all my ‘weight loss starts’ have I ever stuck to it for this long! It is amazing to me that I have no thought, either, of going back.
When I began, I expected that 'if this works', I would have lost at least 100 pounds by now.
As of this morning, I am down 39.2 pounds. A long way from 100 pounds.
However, I have learned much this last year….
- My expectation was totally unreasonable. Especially considering my age.
- ‘The Plan’ will only work if I make it work. I am responsible, not ‘the diet’.
- I do not have to be “not fat” in order to feel good about myself
- Eating healthy in order to lose weight means that I have to think about food more than I ever have before
- Success on a weight loss journey is totally related to mind set
- I cannot look at this change in my life as having an “end” – this is my new life - I am learning to LIVE it.
- A twenty pound weight loss makes a huge difference, even if no one can see it
- There are many little victories along the way that have nothing to do with the numbers on the scale
- Eating carefully is very satisfying
- I can live without Nacho chips/cheese/salsa
- Underwear that is too big is almost as uncomfortable as underwear that is too small (same with blue jeans)
- A tiny portion of something sweet is very satisfying
-weight loss/gain seems to be random at times, but if I look carefully, there is usually a reason
- Having someone hold me accountable (not policing me) to my choices is a good thing
- Writing about my feelings about weight issues helps to free me of them
- I don’t need to use oil for cooking
- Healthy foods are addicting….yes, addicting
- Water is far more satisfying than diet pop
This list is by no means exhaustive…
One of the most pleasant things I’ve learned is that you can care about people you have never met in person (and probably never will).
I love to read about your lives, your victories, your thoughts, even your struggles. I care about YOU and how you are doing. Even when I cannot spend the time I would like reading your blogs, I think about you and wonder how you are doing today. You have become a source of inspiration, encouragement, and understanding.
I hope I have been able to return the favor once in awhile.